Lightning fast
Fulfillment at The best price
We help sellers of any size start focusing on the important aspects their business, while we do all the heavy lifting
At JMB prep we live, breathe, and sleep prep & fulfillment. We operate out of a 5,000 sq ft. warehouse in Portland, Oregon. We know what it takes to run a prep & fulfillment center at a very high level and we pride ourselves on not only our phenomenally fast turnaround times but our elite customer service.
How JMB Prep Delivers on Logistic Services
JMB Prep is an ambitious warehousing company based in Portland, Oregon that aims to provide world-class logistics services to its clients. JMB Prep has created a comprehensive set of services to meet its clients’ logistics and distribution needs, including air, sea, and land transportation. As a responsible corporate citizen, adding value and making a meaningful contribution to the community and society.
At JMB prep we live, breathe, and sleep prep & fulfillment. We operate out of a 5,000 sq ft. warehouse in Portland, Oregon. We know what it takes to run a prep & fulfillment center at a very high level and we pride ourselves on not only our phenomenally fast turnaround times but our elite customer service.
Numerous locations for scanning storage bins and pallets, a sizable area for receiving, ergonomic prep stations, and much more.
Tools to address eCommerce challenges by orchestrating nearly every aspect of warehouse management and execution. Labor management software, warehouse execution software
Devices and software that empower warehouse workers to stay productive and connected within every touchpoint of their workflows. Mobile computers, scanning, headsets and more.